Click the map to see if your address is in our service area.


Our neighbors in the Northlake-Embry Hills-Tucker community who are within the following area are eligible for assistance:

Zip code 30084 (Dekalb county only), Parts of 30033, 30340, 30345, 30087. Click map to verify eligibility.

Area within I-85 - North

Gwinnett County line - East

Hwy 78/E. Ponce de Leon Ave. - South

N.Druid Hills/Clairmont Rd - West

Appointments* are required for financial assistance related to housing and utilities and may be made in person or over the phone.

The following documentation is required:

  • Two forms of ID are required for applicant (ID includes drivers license, social security card, birth certificate, healthcare benefits card, etc.)

  • One form of ID for each member of the household

  • Bill or lease** (for financial assistance only)

Click HERE to see if you are in our service area.

No appointment is necessary for food pantry assistance.

Membership is required for grocery co-op participation.

Other services include agency referrals & access to phone, fax, & internet services upon availability.

*Appointment is not a guarantee of assistance. **Corporate leases only. NETWorks is unable to make payments to individuals.

Download a copy of these guidelines HERE.